Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Above I-70

If this image makes you feel a little uncomfortable, that's probably a good thing.
Just to give you an idea of how maniacally dedicated I am to the several of you who read this site, I built a large hovering platform to capture this photo....no, really, I am just kidding. I did not actually build a large hovering platform. But I would have, had there not been an overpass conveniently placed in the exact spot my camera needed to be to take this picture. That’s how dedicated I am to bringing you each fresh imagery on an almost daily basis.

I know that these folks are probably not as interesting as cowboys, and few people are. But I saw them on top of Mt. Sanitas a little over a week ago, and secretly snapped family pictures of them (and I thought I'd show you). Grandpa, actually beat the little one to the summit. I saw him touch the post first. (The missing part of the story is that Dad held the kids back by force to ensure a first place finish for Grandpa). Shhhhhh...he can't know, else it will spoil his victory.


Evan Petrie said...

Heh, when I first read your post I thought that it said "Grandpa actually beat the little one at the summit" and I was a little concerned... I mean, it doesn't seem fair to beat the child after he works so hard to get to the top.

Evan Petrie said...

I like the I-70 shot as well. Did you try any panning with the cars so that they remained sharp and the background was blurred?

SG said...

evan, you are right, that would have been cruel to beat an exausted child. I didn't experiment with panning on I-70 becuase the CO state police forbid it. hey, rules are rules.