Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back to Montana

In brief: I'm done with my internship in IN, just came off a wonderful roadtrip with my brother toby (shown above catching a hitch in a truck bed in Glacier National Park), and now I'm working at a cafe on the border of the park which I used to work at in college. I'm splitting my time between hiking, working on a project on the nearby Blackfeet Indian Tribe and spending time with the wonderful crew here at the cafe. Oh, and working. That too. This is the good life. I would write more, but internet is $3 per 15 minutes here. So for now I'll just include a couple more pictures.

1 comment:

Evan Petrie said...

Hey Serge,

Great to see a new post from you. Your brother is certainly looking pretty rugged there! It's good to hear that you are doing well and enjoying your return to Glacier. Life sounds pretty good for you at the moment!

