Thursday, February 22, 2007

Car Dealership

Here's an image I saw last week driving past a car dealership in Westminster, CO. After driving a few blocks trying to persuade myself that one sees things this strange all the time (to no avail), I turned around. A car salesman met me on my way in, who I guess had already figured out that I was not in the market for a new car. Although it truly pains me to do it, I told him a little half lie when he asked me what I was doing. Paranoid of corporate spies stealing in with high resolution cameras, most businesses like this wave off photographers. So I fumbled over my words for a minute, then thoroughly confused him about the nature of what I was doing at his car dealership. He finally gave up and went back into the warmth of the lobby. All this for a rather quirky photograph of balloons at a car dealership--but somehow this little piece of uncanny made my somewhat lackluster day of running mindless errands feel worthwhile. T-Rex!
I know, its confusing. He's actually a little dog. I don't know why his master named him that.


ilan said...

Maybe 'T Rex' refers to his shadow?

E-dawn said...

T. rex made my day. In a strange way, i really really miss evolutionarily superfluous and genitically engineered wee dogs like t.rex. Just the way when I come back, I'll miss all the cats here have missing/broken tails.