Saturday, August 1, 2009


We were expecting the truck to be empty so we could load our luggage and head back to the hotel after a long day of convening with scientists and conservation workers. Instead we got Durian. “Whats durian?” you ask. Well as I learned yesterday, Durian is a local fruit, resembling a pineapple, that has mysterious power to effect sheer joy from every Sumatran in its vicinity. Moments after the truck arrived people started emerging from the house, most of whom I had no idea were inside, to get a taste of this strange happy fruit. In no time the driveway was full of laughter, smiles and the type of unabashed joviality that you might see in a coca-cola commercial in the early 90’s. Some workers could be seen slyly stowing durian fruits away for later; others lined up for instant gratification, while we were left to wonder is Durian drugs? One scientist later giddily admitted that he was drunk off Durian, which only deepened our suspicion. We’ll have to do some good sound empirical testing on this one…


Lisa Haney Illustration said...

Did you try the durian? It's stinky like yummy ripe cheese if it sits out too long, but fresh, it's like avocado, but fruity...

SG said...

Yes, its a very complex taste/texture. It def reminded me of avo with its creamy fatty texture. I loved the taste, but whenever people bring it out, it smells so bad that its hard to bring myself to eat it again. haha.

SG said...

Yes, its a very complex taste/texture. It def reminded me of avo with its creamy fatty texture. I loved the taste, but whenever people bring it out, it smells so bad that its hard to bring myself to eat it again. haha.

SG said...

Yes, its a very complex taste/texture. It def reminded me of avo with its creamy fatty texture. I loved the taste, but whenever people bring it out, it smells so bad that its hard to bring myself to eat it again. haha.